Whirebro - Escort in Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia
Last On: 04 Jul, 2020
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Whirebro is a TS4Rent Client looking for SheMale, TS Escorts

  • Whirebro has not shared any info. Contact Whirebro for more details.
  • Whirebro is Offline right now and has total of 6316 visits to his Client profile
  • Last Login: 04 Jul, 2020
  • To contact please sign in to your TS4Rent profile or if you don't have any sign up for free.
  • Whirebro's profile was created on 10 Apr, 2018

Whirebro's Submitted Reviews

  • Reviewed by Whirebro
    Real Photos:
    TsLaurenEHope answered on: 2019-05-25
    Firstly can I just say Thnks for the review 😊 secondly I was going over & over again in my mind on weather or not I should write a comment here or not but obviously I’ve decided I would because I don’t think it’s right that there is false information about me being told so I’m going to clear things up .

    Now to everyone reading this can I just point out that when I was working at Transcend in syd I was 19 and had only just started in this industry & was a complete bttm at that time .

    I couldn’t get hard nor did I want to get hard because I didn’t want to use it & was like that for the first few years into the industry . That however is no longer the case 😁
    So in saying that how can anybody tell how big or not big I am if I couldn’t get hard ??

    It’s just funny That it’s being said I’m no where near the 9 inches I say I am 😂 The proof is right there in my gallery & anyone is more then welcome to come see for them selves 😏 23.8 cm 🤭😘